Donor Egg Pathway Membership

This is an ongoing support experience, connection with other women on a similar pathway to you, monthly live sharing circles, 24/7 access to an online course and portal guiding you through all topics

donor egg IVF, with resources such as audio tracks, video and journal prompts to support your learning.

From the unknown to feeling confident.

This membership program will help bridge any gaps of

understanding on all topics donor egg IVF,

as well as overcome mindset hurdles that may be holding you back on your journey to motherhood.

Imagine what it would be like:

  1. You’re finally saying goodbye to wasting time on Dr Google and saying hello to specific information that you need.

  2. Connect with other women who are going through similar fears and concerns as you.

  3. Feel understood, heard and seen where you are at on your donor egg journey.

  4. To have resources at your finger tips 24/7 that have been designed specifically for every stage of the donor egg journey.

  5. Allowing yourself to lean into what you want without fearing the crashing disappoiointment of a failed cycle.

If you desire to walk this journey feeling connected, researched and empowered the membership is for you.

Hey lovely, I’m Adele O’Connor.

Fertility Hypnotherapist, Donor Egg Mama and your personal mentor.

I promise you, you can cope so much better on this journey. It doesn’t have to be hell and drag your whole life down. This doesn’t serve you and it sure as hell doesn’t help your chances of pregnancy success.

How do I know that?

Because I’ve been there! Changing my mindset helped to bring my miracle baby earthside and into my arms.

I would not be the mother I am today if it wasn’t for me committing to this work eight years ago and never giving up on me, my motherhood dreams and my overall goal to reach my full potential and live without regrets.

And the best part?

My clients tell me daily how well they are coping and how grateful they are for my mindset coaching and therapy.

“You may not be able to control your egg quality but you can always strengthen your mindset ”

Adele O’Connor

Is this you?

  • You have just been told that you need to use donor eggs and are finding it hard to deal with the complex emotions.

  • You’ve considered other options such as fostering, adoption, being childless and yet you keep circling back to egg donation.

  • You want to experience pregnancy.

  • You don’t want to live with regret.

  • You feel so isolated and crave connection with someone else who might be going through the same thing.

  • You feel overwhelmed by the complexities of considerations and choices ahead of you. You don’t know where to start.

  • You want to save time and know the most financially viable, and efficient method to pregnancy using egg donation.

  • You’ve succeeded at everything else in life and yet your body and reproductive system has let you down.

  • You feel less of a woman.

Donor Egg Pathway Membership

Monthly connection with women going through a similar issues as you on the Donor Egg Journey.

Fast-track your knowledge, save time and gain

all the information that you need.

Access coping tools and resources 24/7 via the portal

and handy app via your mobile.

Is This Right For You?

This is for you if…

  • You’re ready to connect with others, gain insights, listen to different perspectives.

  • You are comfortable sharing your authentic self and sometimes being raw and vulnerable.

  • You are prepared to do some inner work such as journaling, using affirmations, EFT, hypnotherapy.

  • You’re able to connect online via zoom and access online resources via a mobile app, tablet or desktop.

This is NOT for you if…

  • You’re not ready to make changes to your life, and you don’t see any connection between mind and body.

  • You are looking for someone to fix you, rather than taking responsibility for your own health.

  • You’re not interested in connecting with others on a similar journey to you.

  • You’re not interested in listening to different points of view about the donor egg journey.

The Donor Egg Pathway Membership includes:

Monthly Live Sharing Circle

An opportunity to expand, gain insights, share and connect with women who get YOU!

Hosted by Adele O'Connor you will be held in a safe nurturing circle of women, world-wide with the common goal of creating a family and using donor eggs.

Feel understood, connected and lighter.

All time zones will be accomodated as best as possible currently suited to Australia, NZ, US, Canada. Replays available.

The Donor Egg Pathway Course

Module 1: Donor Egg Pathway Considerations

Module 2: Exploring Common Mindset Hurdles.

Module 3: Selecting your Egg Donor

Module 4. Preparing for Embryo Transfer

Module 5. How and when to tell your child about their story of origin.

Module 6. Coping tools for setbacks and pregnancy loss

Module 7. Therapies & Support

All Resources Via A Hand App!

Gain 24/7 access to the Donor Egg Pathway Membership Portal to elevate your mindset and provide you with tools for every phase of the donor egg journey to motherhood.

Connect anywhere, anytime via a handy app directly from your phone or desktop.

Here you can access videos, affirmation tracks, guided meditations and hypnosis at your convenience.

Perfect to connect in and calm your nerves whilst you are waiting for an appointment with your Fertility Specialist or a great compliment to listen to when you are having acupuncture or massage.

Bonus inclusions:

1 x 45 mins adhoc session with Adele O’Connor to provide you with a plan of action for your unique situation.

Plus access to membership discounts for 1:1 private fertility hypnotherapy/ coaching and phsychotherapy.


The Donor Egg Pathway Checklist: All the thinks I wish I’d known!

Access to three hours of Guest Expert Webinar recordings:

How and When To Tell Your Child About Their Conception Story With Becky Morrison

QnA With Robin Newman Founder of Global Egg Donors

QnA With Lauren Haring Former Egg Donor & IVF Nurse

Donor Egg Pathway Membership VALUE = $688

Join now for $45 per month

(Price is in USD)

No lock in contract

VIP Upgrade

For those that want that extra personal support.

Pay for 12 months subscription at the reduced rate of $457 and

receive 2 x 60 mins 1:1 private coaching/hypnotherapy with Adele.

What my clients are saying…

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The membership is an ongoing service so you can join at any time and it will continue month by month.

  • Just click on the join here buttons to go directly to the check out button. The cost is $45 per month, you can upgrade to the VIP membership by selecting the 12 month payment option of $457 which includes 2 x 90 mins 1:1 sessions with Adele.

  • Absolutely not this is an international support group and is available to anyone world wide.

    If you can’t make the timezone for the sharing circles then replays are available, you are welcome to send in any questions and they will be answered for you.

  • Absolutely, you will get access to 1 x 45 mins bonus coaching session when you sign up . You will also get access to special membership discounts on 1:1 coaching and hypnotherapy sessions with Adele.

  • I would love to help, please email me at